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The "Wiki" on Velvet

Known as the Crushed Velvet of Burlesque, Velvet Kensington has been teasing and tantalizing audiences on the East Coast and West Coast for almost a decade. Following a dream, she recently moved to New York where she reigns as International Master of Tassels. As well as tassel twirling,Velvet loves to tickle her fans with laughter and pleasure. Velvet also spreads the joy of burlesque by teaching others to tassel twirling and lots more burlesque fun. Please visit the workshops page(insert direct link?) for more information on what classes Velvet offers. 


Before becoming a Burlesque performer, Velvet Kensington received a BFA in Dance from George Mason University. This degree included composition, music, theater and other performing arts.

She has taught workshops with Living Social, the DC Gurly Show, the Peek-A-Boo Revue and San Francisco’s own Red Hots Burlesque. 


To stay on top of her own burlesque education, she has taken many different classes at the New York School of Burlesque including Burlesque Essentials taught by Jo Boobs Weldon and Perlesque with Perle Noire.




2010 - present


2010 - present

- DC Gurly Show Member: Status Gurly since 2006 to August 2014

- Honorary DC Gurly Show Member starting August 2014 till present
- Dancer in Kubrilesque DC Fringe Festival 2013

- Producer/Choreographer/Director/Writer Crystal Swarovski
- Dancer in Kubrilesque Fan Dance Winner of Best Group Number at GSE 2012

- Choreographer Crystal Swarovski
- Teacher of Boudior Burlesque & Bourbon and Burlesque at Living Social DC 2012 to 2013 with Private Tails

Burlesque Education

Perlesque with Perle Noire Crowned Reigning Queen of Burlesque at New Orleans Burlesque festival in 2009

Jettsetter Survival Skills with Armitage Shanks

Ultimate Self Confidence with World Famous *BOB* through NYSB
Tassel Twirling & Fun with Facial Expressions with Miss Indigo Blue, Miss Exotic World 2011
Burlesque Essentials with Jo Boobs Weldon March 2013


Burlesque 101 ​in DC 2006

Burlesque Festivals Performed

- Great Southern Exposure 2012 & 2013 Charlotte, NC

- Pennsylvania Burlesque Festival 2014 & 2015 PA

- New York Regional Burlypicks 2014 & 2015 NYC

- Burlypicks Finals 2015, LA

- New York Burlesque Festival 2015

- BurlyCon attended 2014 & lead panel 2015 Seattle, WA

- Fierce: Internation Queer Burlesque Festival 2015 Pittsburgh, PA

- AlternaTease 2015 Boston, MA

© 2016 Velvet Kensington.

Cannot be used, copied or shared without permission.

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